
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, Biocomposites asked its newly promoted Region Sales Director, Stephany Karst, about her new role at Biocomposites and what inspired her to work in the Healthcare industry?

Biocomposites is passionate about inspiring the next generation of women – promoting talent, diversity and inclusiveness in the Healthcare industry. To celebrate International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023, we asked our newly promoted Region Sales Director, Stephany Karst, about her new role at #Biocomposites and what inspired her to work in the Healthcare industry?

What inspired you to work in the healthcare industry?

Growing up my father was a Firefighter- Paramedic, and he would continually come home with stories about his day. I was in awe of the way he was able to take medicine and his position to help save patients’ lives. He had a close relationship with the nurses and doctors at the hospitals in our hometown, and I began learning more about their impact after his hand off. He was inspiring and drove my interest in healthcare. I quickly recognized that the healthcare industry has so many layers, and people working together to provide care for the community. Lives are being saved and changed for the better every day. Healthcare is an inspiring industry to work in, and I wanted to make a positive impact on others’ lives like my father.

Tell us about your new role at Biocomposites? 

Biocomposites is an excellent place to work, with an outstanding culture. I initially started out as a Product Specialist spreading the word about STIMULAN and how we are saving limbs and lives with it. My passion grew for STIMULAN, and I knew I wanted to continue to grow with the company. I was promoted to Region Sales Director (RSD) of the Southwest in January of this year. The RSD role takes the touch I have on spreading the word about our life saving product to a new level. I am now able to work closely with Product Specialists in my region to coach them and help them succeed in spreading the word. I have a team of five Product Specialists that I work with to educate, train, and mold into resources for our 1099 reps, hospitals, and surgeons. I am responsible for ensuring that as a team we provide a quality service to our customers and that every surgeon has access to STIMULAN for their patients. As an RSD I am able to make an impact on the success of my Product Specialist’s careers, supporting them to succeed and grow within their role. All while looking at the big picture and impact, we have on our patients lives. It’s incredibly rewarding, and because of the support of Biocomposites, I was able to grow into this role.

Stephany is attending the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting this week. Come and meet her and the team at booth #3234.

#Biocomposites #AAOS2023 #LasVegas #STIMULAN