Bring the challenge of infection under your control

Diabetic foot osteomyelitis and diabetic foot ulcers can be challenging to heal. Placing antibiotics directly into these cases with STIMULAN effectively and comprehensively targets a broad spectrum of infection risks – at concentrations unachievable with systemic administration.

Photo showing cases where STIMULAN is/has been used
The Diabetic Foot Journal

Issue: Vol:25 | No.02

Local antibiotic delivery: early intervention in infection management strategy

Chadwick PAhmad NDunn GElston DFisher NHaycocks SKosnarova PMorley RRedfearn VSmith MSpruce PTownsend R

Infection in the Foot – “A New Paradigm”

Speaking at the Royal College of Podiatry webinar on Managing Infection, this video shares some of the highlights from Dr Paul Chadwick’s presentation on Infection in the Foot – “A New Paradigm”

My Experience in Treating Foot Infection

Speaking at the Royal College of Podiatry webinar on Managing Infection, this video shares some of the highlights from Mr Rob Morley’s presentation on the results from his analysis of a 137 patient case series using STIMULAN as part of his treatment strategy.

Perfect partner for your infection management strategy

Truly absorbable, calcium sulfate antibiotic carrier – specifically designed to support the proactive management of infected sites with unrivalled flexibility and the broadest application.

the only calcium matrix approved for use in bone and soft tissue

 approved for mixing with vancomycin, gentamicin and tobramycin

 can be placed directly into infected and non-infected sites


Uniquely engineered for the precision and control you demand every time

With the ability to mix substances according to the specific antimicrobial needs of each infection, STIMULAN combines flexibility with the predictability and consistency necessary to ensure sustained antibiotic cover.

How to prepare STIMULAN
Find out more about STIMULAN

The only calcium matrix approved for use in bone and soft tissue

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